If you're a football aficionado, you're probably familiar with the "Gareth Bale/Monkey" theory.
Though fairly accurate as far as proportions go, it's also completely uninteresting to me.

According to the internet, if you wear glasses, have a low brow, stick out ears, a larger nose, a shorter nose, thin lips, or have ever opened your mouth in public, you look like a monkey.
So what? Humans are built nearly the same as monkeys anyway.
Myself, my first thought when I saw him was "Shark". My friend agreed, and demanded that I study this further.
I began by mapping out our two subjects.
The first, a young 21-year-old welsh human.
The second, a fearsome great-white-shark, of indeterminate age and gender.
The similarities are striking, right?
Okay, so it's not as pronounced as monkey is.
Here's Bale, reduced down to a cartoon. Just enough to keep him looking like himself.
This is what I know about him.
1. There's a weird dip between his cheekbones and brows from front and 3/4 veiws.
2. This is partly due to his low, heavy brow line.
3. There's just barely enough room for an eye-width between his eyes.
4. At rest, his mouth is of average size, as near as I can figure (the corners fall under mid-eye). But when we look at it with the rest of his face (the narrower back part of his jaw, his tiny nose, his small close-set eyes to name a few) it sure does seem massive, doesn't it? I guess he has a narrow face or something.
5. We can fit a hole eye-height between the bottom of his nose, and the top of his upper lip.
6. The form of the muscles around the mouth is huge. It makes crazy lumps.
Additionally, it's worth noting that he has a jutting jaw to the front, and his neck is super thick.
What happens if we measure these things on a shark?
1. Although the sharks eye sockets are formed differently, which kind of destroys any brow line, the shape is still present. At least to me. This kind of thing is like cloud watching: I'm like "Oh look! That one looks like a shark!" and maybe you think it looks like a duffle bag.
2. Sharks don't have to shade their eyes from the sun, so they don't have little bony crests up there like we do. Also, they don't have eyebrows.
3. This time, we can fit many, many eye-widths in. Bale doesn't have Shark-ish eyes, that's for sure.
4. Massive mouth of doom. No lips to speak of. Also, this shark has dimples like Bale. Aw...
5. From some angles, shark noses look huge. From others, they're humorously tiny pointy bits. Bale looks more like a Shark as viewed from below. Just before it devours you.
6. Massive mouth of doom requires massive muscles.
Four out of six. That's not bad.
The moral of the story: His mouth takes up too much room and his head is lumpy.
And he gets bonus points for his giant muscled neck that would allow him to glide through the water with minimal drag.
(Dear Mr. Bale, sharks are awesome. You're face is awesome. You're awesome.)
Did you know that Gareth Bale never sleeps, and is capable of eating sea lions whole?
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